M.S. in the school of computer science, NorthWestern Polytechnical University (NWPU), Xi’an, China, 2017.09 ~ 2020.03
B.S. in the school of computer science, NorthWestern Polytechnical University (NWPU), Xi’an, China, 2013.09 ~ 2017.07
Work experience
- 2022.11 ~ now: Algorithm Engineer
- XiaoBing, Beijing
- Duties included: pose estimation, object detection, pose analyze
- 2022.03 ~ 2022.10: Software Engineer
- Moqi, Beijing
- Duties included: biometrics, especially palmprint matching
- 2020.04 ~ 2022.03: Software Engineer
- Orbbec, Shaanxi Xi’an
- Duties included: industrial inspection and industrial software design
- c++,python
- tools
- sklearn, scipy, numpy, pandas
- tensorflow, pytorch
- numba with cuda
- deep learning
- semi-supervised learning
- image super resolution
- image segmentation
- metric learning and embdding representation
- deep graph matching